Volume 1, No. 0, December 2000
The three papers selected for this edition are all representative of the
spirit of the journal by being, each in their own little way, truly
Perhaps the crappiest is the discussion of the PGB Cryptosystem by
Jussi Leiwo.
This paper delves dangerously into the world of TLAs and it doesn't
take a close
read to discover that it is genuinely BS (a TLA of a different count).
Steven D Galbraith's exploration of the relationship (sic) between
French Literature and ECC is a remarkable piece of work that looks
destined to become a Craptologie classique.
Finally, in New Directions in Cryptography (volume II) Lars Knudsen
makes an observation that should secure the future for DES for another
few decades, and will guarantee Knudsen's future as one of the founding
fathers of modern craptology.
If you have absolutely nothing better to do then you should enjoy these
latest dreadful offerings.
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